Genesys Demo Image - DEMOSRV Lab Edition - February 2020

The February 2020 DEMOSRV Lab Edition Demo environment is available as a VMware Virtual Disk. You will need approximately 225GB of free space on your hard drive (160GB for extracted VMware virtual disk file and 65GB for the compressed distribution files). A minimum of 13GB of RAM allocated to the virtual machine is required to adequately run the image. This means your host should have 32GB of RAM. It may be possible to run some scenarios with 16GB but it is not recommended. A solid state drive (SSD) is also required. Please refer to the complete list of requirements below.

You will use an FTP client to download the environment to your local machine. Additional download information will be provided via email after signing up and activating your FTP account.

Requirements specific to the Partner version of the demo image: